Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

It's the Little Things

Chris has been gone for almost a week now and as I await his return on Saturday (to be followed a few days later by another week long trip), I have found myself lifted by the littlest things. I thought I'd share a few with you.

I bought myself flowers on Sunday. They add such life & color to our dining room. I accidently left that yellow flower too long when I trimmed them, but I like how it stands out from the rest, so I left it He's saying, "Hello! I'm here! Look at me!" 

A blank canvas. Aah. I love it. I set up my easel on Monday. I'm so excited to get back into painting. Now I'm just brainstorming what to work on first. I love the look of a blank canvas, no matter what form it takes. A fresh sheet of college-ruled notebook paper, a white wall, a clear glass vase. Thinking about the possibilities makes me giddy. 

This little guy puts an instant smile on my face. I saw him at Ross on Tuesday, picked him up, giggled a little (in my head, not outloud, that's just weird) but decided not to buy him. Today (Wednesday), I went back to Ross with a friend and she convinced to buy him. I just love how he looks standing proudly on our new shelf in the hall!

We rarely have soda in the house. I figure, if it's there, I will choose it over water or juice and really, I should drink more water or juice. But this week, I indulged in a bottle of Dr. Pepper and each and every glass was sweet & delicious. I love Dr. Pepper. 

I've also been busy with a few projects this week. Come back later in the week to see what I've been working on! They involved some heavy lifting, lots of yellow paint and several trips to Home Depot!

(Okay, so seriously, God has taken such great care of me this week. He has given me so many things to smile about and projects to keep me busy. What could have been a depressing, boring week without Chris was actually a productive, fun week and it was not from my own strength or willpower, but only by His strength. Praise God! )

What seemingly small thing has made you smile this week?

The Yellow Table

"So Others May Live"