Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Texas meets Hawaii

Our first guest has come and gone! My cousin, Angela, from Texas had the honor of being our very first house guest in Hawaii.  Angela and I grew up seeing each other about twice a year and each year, our friendship grew as we put on skits for the family, shared our love for Christ and stuffed our mouths at Grandma's kitchen table. We always have a blast together and there was nothing different about that this week. We crammed so much into one week and I'm so thankful for the precious time we spent together. Here are some highlights from our week together (these are all Angela's photos):

We hiked up a mountain ridge in Lanikai and enjoyed the amazing view of the island.

We had dinner at Duke's in Waikiki 
We took a trip to Waimea Falls and searched out other LOST filming sites...

...and of course we had to re-enact scenes too!

Thanks for the amazing visit Angela!

[In other news, Chris has been super-busy and exhausted this last month or so. His ship has a very important inspection in December and he has been working crazy hours getting ready for it. Please pray for strength, wisdom and peace in this last month or so before the inspection!]

Guest What??

The Yellow Table