Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

At Just the Right Time

Before Chris left on deployment, we visited the Navy Exchange for some essentials. While there, he left me sitting outside on the lanai for about 45 minutes while he 'bought me a deployment present'. When we got home, he made me go into the bathroom while he hid it in the house. I waited for him to present it to me at the right time before he left. But he never did. And then, when I searched every nook and cranny in the house that weekend, I found nothing (that's not true--I found sweet notes hidden around the house, but no present!)

So, I emailed Chris and said,  "WHERE'S MY PRESENT??". Well, I said it a little nicer but just asked if I had missed a hint somewhere. He replied in his usual way, "I have my resources, you'll get your present at the right time." And so I waited.

I found a note from the florist on my front door and these flowers on my back porch table yesterday afternoon. He arranged months ahead of time to have them sent to the house on my birthday (He did the same thing for Valentine's Day!). Attached was a sweet note. 

Seeing his handwriting on that note and the flowers he picked out just for me made him feel just a little bit closer for my birthday. 

Plans for the Future.

Happy Birthday to meeee!!