Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Delurk Thyself, Dear Reader!

So you've been reading my blog for awhile now, right? You wanted to weigh in on my patio table painting dilemma, but just couldn't figure out how to comment. Or maybe you thought about sharing your sympathy with me after the mustache post, but just clicked back over to Facebook after reading the post. Well, first of all, thanks for reading! And thank you to those of you who do leave me sweet nuggets of love and throw in your two cents.

It's okay, I was a lazy commenter at one point in my blog-life too (confession: I'm still a lazy commenter, but working through that problem). I understand where you're coming from. It's easier to just read the posts and keep your comments to yourself. You're a lurker, that's what you are.

You can come out of hiding now!

One of my readers emailed me a few days ago and said she felt bad that the conversation was one sided and so she wrote in with her two cents. It was great hearing from her and I'm glad she wrote me. But you know, this doesn't have to be one-sided! I really would love to read your insights, answer any questions and just know who's out there reading my blog!

So say 'hi' this week and next time a post tickles your funny bone, resonates with you spiritually, or sparks your creativity, let me know!

 It's as simple as:

  1. Click on the little link below the post that says "0 thoughts" (I'm guessing it says 'zero'... maybe it's on one or two!) 
  2. Give me your two cents on the post. Or just say hi! 
  3. Choose your identity. You can remain Anonymous, or choose a name and put your own website in, or if you have a Google account, you can sign in on that.
  4. Publish your comment and share your love with me! 

Hope to hear from you soon!

Fresh Inspiration
