- I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and I'm feeling a bit grumpy. I'm just getting to the point in this deployment where being alone is getting old and I want my husband back. I'm so thankful for the friends and family I have supporting me, but really, nothing compares to just having Chris home. I've got a significant portion of the deployment left, so I've got to pull on those big girl pants and pray for the strength to get through these last months. Thank you for all your prayers for both Chris and me through this deployment. They are appreciated, needed and felt!
An oldie but a goodie!
- Along the same lines of wanting Chris to get home...I forgot to put the trash bin out again last night. I even reminded myself several times and had a conversation about it with my neighbor. And I forgot again. Thankfully, my dad put it out for me last week so it's not overflowing but sheesh, this never happened when Chris was home!
See? Christmas time, Chris is home, and the trash is out.
Okay, enough whining, onto some happier things...
-I teach preschool Sunday School at our church about twice a month. I had Sunday School on Easter morning. Can I just tell you... it was crazy! I normally have about 6 or 7 little ones in there, but on Sunday, there were fifteen 3-4 year olds in my little class room! I had one 14 year old helper, who really tried to assist but I think he was a little overwhelmed with it all. But I've gotta tell you, I loved it. It was crazy, and I had to pick my battles but I loved getting to share Jesus with those kids and just being around the little guys made me realize yet again that God's definitely wired me to love kiddos and I sure hope He gives me the opportunity to be a mom some day ( not a mom of 15 preschoolers though!!).
-I bought this pillow on Etsy the other day! It's from the shop NoraJane. I'm glad I bought the pillow when I did because it looks like she took it off her listings, but she's got alot of other really fun colorful pillows. Can't wait until it gets here! I will definitely post pics!
- Ok, now let's play a game... I know a lot of you sneaky readers know me in real life, but maybe it's been awhile, and you are dying to know something about your favorite blogger (ha, ok kidding, really). Leave me a question in the comments section and I'll answer the questions as best as I can in my next post. If no one asks anything, it's going to be a very boring post, so if you read this blog, it's in your best interest to ask something. (What? Yes, this is a ploy to get you to comment. But who can blame me for wanting to interact with the people that read about my life everyday??) So are you wondering what the heck I do all day? Or what's my favorite thing to do on the island? Or how Chris and I met? Lay it on me! (Heck yes, I reserve the right to refrain from answering certain questions. :) So be nice!)