Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

The Post You've Been Eagerly Awaiting (Or Not)

You may or may not recall this sneak peek of some new living room art I showed you a few weeks ago. I've been waiting about two weeks for one more frame to get in but I decided to show you the artwork anyway. Seriously, the people at Target are probably really tired of me calling to see if they have this frame in stock.

Anyway, I got this idea from this post over at YoungHouse Love. On a recent mood board, they suggested Crate and Barrel's Classical Symmetry prints as artwork.

These prints run about 400 buckaroos for a set of six. A little out of my price range.  I often see things and think "I could make that!" And so, I made my own version for our living room.

I just made three. I used watercolor paper and watercolor paint. I made stencils for the wheat and blue colored patterns and just masking tape and my eyeballs for the green one.

Then I picked up some 16x16 frames from Target. They had mats in them for a few 4x6 photos, so I took the mats out. Like I said, I'm still waiting on the third frame but I didn't want to wait any longer to show you.

So, here are my paintings that have been up for about a year now. I still love them so much and I was kind of sad to take them down, but I'm ready for a change. I'm sure they'll make an appearance in another time and place.

Goodbye sweet palm paintings!

Aaaand here's the new artwork!

Let's give them some context, shall we?

This is also the debut of my new blue pillows from Etsy. They are much brighter than I thought they'd be, but I think they are growing on me. 

And because I'm all about keeping it real--here is a shot of my coffee table 5 minutes before I took the above pictures. 

I spy with my little eye--tax refund checks, library books, a bag of chocolate covered pretzels, two glasses of water (one for painting and one for drinking) and 8 million pieces of paper. 

Um okay, let's focus here. 

So, what do you think? Honestly, I'm still getting used to them, but I thiiiiink I like them! Once I get that final frame in, it won't look so funky. 

Have a great Wednesday!

Stay tuned.

Great Will