Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
— Lindsay Wilkins

Wedding Week: The Reception (Part One)

I have tons of pictures I want to show you from our rockin' reception, so I'll let the pictures do most of the talking today. Tomorrow we'll finish out wedding week with lots of great details from the reception. Enjoy! (I know we sure did!)

The reception was held at the church I grew up in. We used their back patio for a dance floor and set up a big white tent on the lawn. 

Our first dance was a swing dance to Michael Buble's "Everything". It was so fun. 

My dad and I danced to Israel Kamakawiwa'ole's "Somewhere over the Rainbow". 

My little sister made me cry with her sweet speech.

We feasted like royalty. (more on that tomorrow!)

We hugged. We kissed. 

And we danced like fools. 

Instead of a traditional wedding cake, we opted for our favorite-- an ice cream cake. A very frozen ice cream cake. Good thing we had a nice big sword with which to hack it. 

Then some more dancing. 

And I was finally convinced to leave the best party I'd ever been to. 

Hello, are you still here? Whew, that was a lot of pictures.

Tomorrow you'll get the low down on all the exquisite (in my opinion of course) details that pulled our wedding soirée together. 

See ya then! (If you're brave enough to return after that deluge of images!)

Wedding Week: The Reception (Part Two)/ The Details

Bookshelf Redemption