Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Welcome Home Craziness

 I asked Chris last week if he wanted me to make a welcome home sign for the outside of our house or order a free one online. I should have known the answer. Given the choice, my hubby will always choose for me to use my creative skillz. He added a caveat--"But nothing too crazy". 

I'm not sure what he was expecting me to do--bedazzle it? 

 I'll be working on his completely sane welcome home sign later today, but I made a "crazy" one for inside the house. 

I just cut triangles and letters out of scrapbook paper and folded the top edges of the triangles over some ribbon. Then I outlined the letters in black Sharpie and stuck them onto contrasting backgrounds. It was super easy to do and I love how it turned out!

[You can see that third frame STILL hasn't come in yet!]

[But I did receive some anniversary roses from my hubby this weekend!]

I love the cheeriness it adds to the room! Maybe I'll keep it up there after he gets home!

I've got a ton of other things on my to-do list this week and I'm slowly but surely checking them off. I finally made some progress on that blasted bookshelf yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a something to show you. 

Wedding Week: The Ceremony

Wedding Week: The Flowers