Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Inspire Me Monday: Relaxing Studio

 I'm back! It's been a wonderful two week vacation but I'm back and ready to share all kinds of things with you! I thought I'd ease back into the week with this sunshiny photo.

I love everything about this room. The maps on the wall, the pops of pink and teal, the sloping rafter ceiling and especially the inviting hammock hanging there. I can just picture working on some paintings or drawings while Chris relaxes in the hammock nearby. 

I found the image on flickr. According to Apartment Therapy, the Italian studio belongs to Paola Panelli, who makes fabulous pillows and other felt and paper creations. I love the sweet whimsy of each item in her etsy shop. My favorites are her rain cloud mobiles. 

Check out her shop here!

I was thinking up some ideas for re-doing the guest room this weekend. Chris was confused since I finished pulling it all together about 6 months ago. But I gently warned him that the rooms in our house will probably not stay the same for very long. Maybe I'll throw a hammock into the room for him. Too bad we don't have a bright sunny attic like this one. 

Come back tomorrow if you want to see our pictures from Chris' home coming! 

Oh Happy Day.

It's Been A Good Week.