Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

The Third Frame (and a Living Room Tour)

Awhile back, I showed you our new artwork for the living room, inspired by Crate and Barrel's Classical Symmetry prints.  Sadly, one-third of it was still frameless when I posted about it. Since then, the frame finally came in at our local Target, so I thought I would share the updated version with you.

So, there ya go. Frame number three in action. 

I also wanted to start sharing some of our semi-finished spaces in our home with you guys. Our house isn't perfect by any standards and I change things around frequently, but I always find it intriguing to see real people's homes, so I'm going to show you ours. 

Sometimes when I am poking around design blogs, I find myself wishing I had the money, the resources, the whatever to make our home perfect. I keep having to remind myself that it's more important that our house just feels like home to us and even if my ceramic bowls made in my college ceramics class would never show up on a design blog, that's okay, because I like having them out on display. 

Anyone else feel that way?

Okay, so since we're already in the living room today, I'll give you a little tour around. Ready?

Here's a broad shot of the room. I really love our green Ikea couch. I'm sure in the future I'll be ready for something more neutral but for now, I'm digging the green guy.

I initially started this shelf wall as a way to hide that ugly thermostat behind the picture frame. It kind of evolved from there. We've got some souvenirs picked on our travels to Japan, a bunch of cherry blossom branches, a sketch by moi and a dried lei from my birthday in March. 

Under one of our side tables is a basket that stores various photo albums, our wedding album and the guest book from our wedding. I love having them accessible so guests can pull them out and glance through them.

Here's the view if you are chilling on that green couch. A (slightly wonky) photo collage of some of our travels, a (ugly in my opinion, but super comfy) papasan chair and our Poang Chair from Ikea with a pillow I bought on Etsy in the Michael Miller Trellis fabric. (Oh, and my under $5 tray with my spraypainted bud vases.)

I love this pillow. 

Keep an eye out for more peeks into our humble abode in the weeks to come!

New DIY Dish Towels

Inspire Me Monday: Pendant Love