Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Big Waves.

Chris is a fish. He is happiest when he is in, by, or on the water. On Monday, we went up to the North Shore like we've been doing many mornings while he's been on leave. Since the surf was too choppy in his usual surf spot, we headed to Waimea Bay to check out the waves there.

In the summer, Waimea is as calm as can be and is a great place for swimming. In the winter, the waves can be monstruous and some of the best surfers in the world flock to this beach to catch waves.

Chris decided he wanted to swim in the huge waves on Monday. I caught a few fun pictures of his antics.

The water is so clear here-- you can see him inside the wave as he is swimming up it!

Waves crashing on Waimea Rock. That tall rock where those waves are crashing is crowded with eager jumpers when the bay is calm.

I think this picture is hilarious. The little splash in front of that crashing wave is my husband. You can almost hear the *bloop* as he dives under to avoid getting pummeled.

This was a huuuuuuuge one! See that little man on top of that huge wave??

Love these pictures of him staggering out of the water. 

PS. I almost titled this post "He Likes Big Waves and He Cannot Lie." But after yesterday's title, I thought I'd tone down the cheese factor.

Happy Weekend!

Pop 'Em Like They're Hot