Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Giveaway & Aloha From a Sponsor: Second Street East

 Ever have trouble envisioning what to do with a space in your home? You have an idea of what you want, but just don't know where to find that perfect coffee table or if the pillows should match the curtains? We've all been there, and that's why I'm excited to introduce you to my new sponsor, Michelle from Second Street East Interiors!

She not only has an adorable blog, but she recently started offering custom design boards! I'll let her tell you a bit about her business and herself, and stick around for a fabulous giveaway at the end!

So how does your custom design board process work? 

After receiving an e-mail that a client is interested, I send over a survey that helps me pinpoint their style, specifics of the space and budget. I also ask that the client send me photos of the entire space and any furniture or accessories they are wanting to keep. I will then make the design board and send it through email along with a source list and explanation of the design plan.

1. What is the story behind the name of your blog/ business name? 

I originally started my blog to update my friends and family on the renovations my husband and I were doing to our current and first home, which is on the street 2nd St. E. It was all I could come up with at the time but it has turned out to be very meaningful. I have fallen in love with design while working on this house, which is why I chose to carry the name over to my business. 

2. How long have you been interested in interior design and how did you get started designing inspiration boards?

I have been interested in interior design since I can remember. I always think back to a specific instance as a young girl when my mom took me the wallpaper store so I could find the perfect yellow and blue plaid wallpaper for my bedroom and how enjoyable it was. I should have known from that moment that I wanted to make it my career!  I started making design boards about 6 months ago when a friend asked for help with inspiration for her living room. I whipped up a design board and the rest is history :)

3. What is your favorite "go-to" store for home decor? Any fave online sources?

West Elm hands down. They have so many great modern, yet classic pieces that I normally end up using something from there in each of my designs.  The Kansas City location recently left and let's just say I have had a hard time coping!

4. If you could design any celebrity's home, whose would you like to do?

I would say Blake Lively (Gossip Girl, anyone?) and for no other reason than that I think she is a doll and has a great sense of style!

Not only is Michelle stylish and lovely, but she's generous too! She has offered to work with one of you on a FREE custom design board for any room in your home!

To enter, you must be a follower of AisletoAloha using the Google Friend Connect feature (Click the "follow" button on the right side bar.) Leave a comment on this post telling us which room in your house you would ask Michelle to help you design. 

**Additional entries**

2. If you tweet about the giveaway, leave a second entry. (Make sure you mention @aisletoaloha and @SecondStEast in your tweet!)

3. If you follow Michelle's blog, leave a third entry. 

**Please make sure I can find your email somewhere (on your blog, etc) or your entry is invalid! **

So, you have the potential to enter three times. 

The giveaway will be open until 10pm (Hawaii time) next Tuesday, January 24th. I'll choose the winner using and announce it on Wednesday, January 25th. 

So what's it gonna be? Your bedroom? The living room? Maybe a fabulous outdoor space?

Thoughts on Deployment

Love & Envelopes Birthday Club: hosted by Flawed Perfection Jewelry & Aisle to Aloha!