Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Ringing It In.

Hi friends! How was your New Year's weekend? Did you have a blast celebrating? We did! I'll post later this week on our NYE festivites & a super easy and yummy appetizer I made for the party. :) 

I very rarely make New Year's resolutions. But as the New Year approaches, I'm feeling rather "stale", I guess you could say. I always like to make goals before Chris goes away (which is coming up too soon), so this list is pulling double duty today. So here goes-- my New Year's resolutions/goals. 

1. Be more intentional. This is rather vague, I suppose, but applies to lots of areas of my life. I want to be more intentional with how I spend my time (uh, maybe less time spent on that fabulous time-sucker twitter??),  and with my relationships (with Chris, buddies and even you, my online pals.) 

2. Organize my life. By this I mean, I want to magically have good organizational skillz. Or I guess, just work on improving the ones I have. I'd like to organize my Etsy business better so it's easier to keep track of everything, organize my kitchen cabinets and get some totally rad storage for my painting supplies. 

3. Learn some new skillz. Two things I'd love to learn more about this year-- graphic design/computer skillz, and photography. I'd love to be able to change some things around the blog myself instead of having someone else do it, and I hope to be able to make my own blog ads. Also, photography. I want to improve the photos in my shop and just learn about photography in general. I'm saving up my Etsy money for a Canon Rebel. So, go buy my paintings if you wanna help me with this one. OR, if you have any tips for me, I guess that could help too. :) 

4. Jesus. This is the most important one on my list. I'm consistently awful at reading my Bible and spending time in prayer. It is a constant struggle for me and has a lot to do with my problem above, about not being intentional with my time. I hope that this year will be the year that my relationship with Jesus becomes a real, deep relationship. If anyone has a fabulous Bible reading schedule, send it my way, puh-lease--I think I'm gonna need a good one. 

Okay, so do you have any goals for this year? Fess up! 

all photos via weheartit. 

Ruffles & Sparklers

Happy New Year! But First, Let's Review.