Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Birthday Dates, Cinnamon Crunch Bagels & a Giveaway Winner!

It was my little sister's 19th birthday on Saturday so we had a sister breakfast date to Panera. Mmmm... I love their cinnamon crunch bagel with cream cheese. So good! 

I'd just like to point out that the only reason she is SO much taller than me is because she's wearing boots with heels. I'm a shortie, but I'm not THAT short...or am I?

These boots make me smile. When I found out I was going to be visiting Chris in Japan during his deployment last year, I didn't have any shoes/boots to wear in cold weather. So I struck out to the mall to find something cheap. (Yes, they sell boots in Hawaii and people wear them in the heat... it's gross.) 

After hitting many stores, I walked into Icing (you know that store with all the accessories for preteens?) and in the back of the store was one shelf marked "Boots--$1" And they happened to have the perfect pair in my size. Yes, I bought these boots for $1 and I wore them every day in Japan. So not only are they the cheapest shoes I will ever own, they also hold lots of precious memories. 

I bought myself some earrings the other day. Tiny little squares with peridot stones. LOVE. 

{button down shirt: I forget}
{scarf: borrowed} 
{skirt: Charlotte Russe}
{leggings: Charlotte Russe}
{boots: The Icing--$1 baby!}
{earrings: Blanca Flor in downtown Annapolis}

And now for the winner of my Cutie giveaway! Congratulations to BrittDill! Now for the hard part! Which Cutie will you choose? Shoot me an email andwe'll work out all the details! 

Thanks to everyone who entered! I'm so blessed by all of you! 

I hope you had a great Valentine's day, whether it was shared with a hubby, significant other, best buddy or a full glass of wine! 


Amber's Aqua, White & Purple Baby Shower!

Fresh Paint: Baby Rose's Wave