Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Feeling Loved! {& Ask Me Anything!}

 I can't say it enough. The online community is something special. Almost two years ago when I started my blog, I never realized what amazing friends I would meet and what a beautiful community I was joining.

When Chris deployed a little over two weeks ago, I was not surprised, but certainly overwhelmed by the outpour of emails, comments, tweets, prayers and support from my fellow bloggers.

But when I arrived at my parent's house last week, I definitely WAS surprised by the pile of packages and envelopes waiting for me from sneaky  loving bloggy friends.

Have you read the book Graceling by Kristin Cashore? Cuz you should if you haven't. Ruthanne sent it to me and I am gobbling. it. up. I'm trying not to read it too fast because I want to savor the story but I was seriously up until 2:30am the other night (morning?) reading. 

Sandy sent me these adorable heart studs from tru.che on Etsy. It was funny because they were on my Valentine's wish list for Chris but he ended up getting me something else! Aren't they the best-- friends who shop your favorites list on Etsy?? :)

Thank you Jana, Gina, Sandy and Ruthanne for your encouraging notes and packages this week! You've made my Valentine's week extra special and I love you all so much!

And of course, I can't forget my Valentine's gift from my sweet love, Chris. He sent me this lovely foreign language LOVE print from sugarfresh on Etsy for my studio. And it's a beautiful mustard color too!

I am so grateful that I get to be married to this generous, funny, adventurous man who keeps me on my toes, is always challenging me and supporting me and loves me like no one else on earth can. 

PS. I love the FXCam app on my phone. Maybe a little too much. :) 


Many moons ago, I did a Q and A session on the blog. But I had maybe 5 followers and most of them were my sisters. :) So I thought I'd bring it back and open it up to you guys. Is there anything that you'd like to know about me, Chris or our life here in Hawaii? Ask me [almost] anything you'd like to know. I will do another post (or two) in the next week or so answering your questions. If I can't answer it on the blog, I will definitely email you with my answer. 

Be kind and don't ask anything embarrassing, pleeeeease. :) 

Here's my favorite question from last time, from Chris who was deployed at the time. 

Chris said... 
My question for you is... How did you get so beautiful? I have been wondering this for 8 years now.

Q&A with me: Part One!

Amber's Aqua, White & Purple Baby Shower!