Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

It Is Well With My Soul.

This has been a sweet, sweet week visiting with my family. 

Got to grab coffee with my mom in downtown Annapolis and browse through our favorite pottery shop together. 

Apparently as the family artist, I am a cake decorator too. I made a "Skippy Doo" (also known as Scooby Doo) cake for my niece's 5th birthday.

Kicked my nephew's butt at Wii bowling.

Got lots of hugs from my Grandma and gave lots of kisses to my niece and namesake, Sofia Lindsay. 

Threw my sister-in-love a baby shower with all my other sisters and sister-in-loves.

Hugged on these sweet nieces over the weekend. 

And most importantly, spent lots of time with this man. My grandpa, my Papap, spent the week in the hospital and was sent home on Wednesday with hospice care. Family from all over the country is flying in. Each night since he's been home, a crowd has gathered in their kitchen, eating home cooked Italian foods, laughing, loving, sharing memories and celebrating life. 

I can't begin to explain how thankful I am to be here this week, holding his hand, relishing his smiles and soaking in family time. God's timing is so providential. 

We are going to miss him and our hearts are heavy thinking about losing him, but there is joy. Sweet joy. 

We know that he loves Jesus and that this is not the end, but merely the beginning. He will have a whole body, free from sickness and weakness. And so we rest in the peace that salvation brings, knowing we will see my sweet Papap again soon. 

But he's not gone yet. He's a stubborn man and continues to surprise us with his wit, sharpness and ever steady grip- on our hands, hearts and on life. 


I pray that the peace our Father provides fills you this weekend and you are able to find joy in each moment! 

My Neck is Warm & My Heart is Full.

Q&A with me: Part Two!