Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

It's the Little Things: Gummy Cokes, Happy Bunting & Cutie Love

So, Chris is gone.

His ship left on Tuesday and let's just say that was a rough day. It's hard being alone. And it sucks. And sometimes I feel guilty for being so upset since he's gone only 5 months and many of my friends and their husbands are deployed for a year or more. But the truth is, any time away from your husband is hard and it's okay to be sad about it, even if it's only a few weeks. And that's the truth.

This may sound drastic, but I think went through a few stages of grief this week. First was denial that we were actually at deployment again, sadness and loneliness on my first night alone (um, have you ever cried hard while eating pizza?? Ugly.), anger that the Navy would take my husband away, and finally I've come to acceptance and a determination to make the best of it. The sadness and loneliness will return often, I know, and there's no getting around that.

Weeks like this, it's the little things that bring a smile to my face and get me through the day. I thought I would share a few of those things.

On Monday, Chris and I went to pick up some snacks for him to have on the ship. I picked up some gummy Coke bottles as a pick-me-up treat. These are my very favorite candies. Chris has even bought them for me in lieu of flowers at times and they can always make this girl happy.

My 7 year old neighbor, Zoe rang my doorbell on Tuesday afternoon and handed me this drawing. The back says " I'm sorry that you lost your husbin for 4 mons, but don't worry, were here! Love Zoe" Um, adorable? And she must know that pretty colors make me smile. 

That's me and her there. Don't you just love my dress?? Not so sure about that ominous black crow though...

My girl friends and I are throwing a baby shower for a sweet friend on Sunday. I'm in charge of decorations and having so much fun with them! Here's a bunting that my friend, Rachel, and I made the other day. It's hanging on my windows until the shower and makes me smile just looking at it. 

Cuties. I love painting them, love selling them and am so blown away by all the love you guys have been giving them! I'm so grateful that I get to paint pretty little things and send them out into the world for you to make your spaces brighter. So, thanks for being a big part of making my week a good one. 

Check out that teal Cruisin' Cutie! One of the only Cuties left in the shop! ;)

(Um, what's up with my out of control hair?? SOO excited for a hair cut on Saturday!)

Can I just say that I love this community? I love the beautiful friends I've made over the last year and am so thankful for all your encouraging comments, emails, prayers, and tweets. Way to be super-duper awesome, you guys. 

What are some little things that made you smile this week?

Happy weekend!!

Mochi, Paddle-surfing & Pipe-smoking

Giveaway & Aloha From a Sponsor: Dodeline Design