Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
— Lindsay Wilkins

Giveaway & Aloha From a Sponsor: Zoe Clothing Company

Ever have this problem? You're at the mall searching for the perfect casual graphic tee, but all you can find are either really dumb, inappropriate or super expensive ones? Yeah, I've been there.

That's why I'm super excited to introduce you to Zoe Clothing Company today! When I received an email from Lilly at Zoe Clothing Company about sponsoring Aisle to Aloha, I just about did a little dance (okay, I actually did do a dance.... :)

Zoe Clothing Co. is a small, California based company that offers beautiful, affordable and comfortable clothing for men, women and children with original designs inspired by God's Word.

In addition to their regular lines for men, women and children, be sure to check out the special ZOE line of tees and hoodies. The proceeds from this line go directly to the ministry, Zoe International, which is doing amazing work to rescue and care for children caught up in human trafficking. The proceeds from each ZOE tee or hoodie provide 33 meals, medical care for 2 months, or clothing and hygiene items for a child. Pretty amazing, right? Read more to find out about this great company.

Can you tell me more about the meaning behind the business name, Zoe? 

"Zoe" in Greek means life and represents the new life we have in Christ.

As Christians, this new life —  zoe — defines who we are. Our goal is to live out this truth in the way that we practice business and in the passion that we put into designing our clothing. We have created a line that is not only on the cutting edge of fashion, but also represents God's living and perfect Word. We hope that the simple messages of our clothing will be a light to others (Matthew 5:14-16), and an encouragement to the the one wearing it (Psalm 1:1-2).

What's your favorite clothing item carried by Zoe?
It's so hard to choose a favorite!  But our best selling items are the Fear No Evil Hoodie (it has thumb holes and an ipod pocket too!)  our thumbprint bird t-shirt and our striped dresses (we're almost out of stock on the dresses so if anyone wants them, order now!)

 If you could see the Zoe designs on any celebrity past or present, who would that be? 

Jesus? hahaha. But really we hope that our clothing line would appeal to anyone who loves God and wants to wear not-your-typical Christian t-shirt.  We've actually had some Christian artists wear our stuff at a music festival in Washington last summer.  Here's a link to how it all came about. 

Chris and I both Zoe Clothing Company shirts. They are so comfy and the colors and designs are really beautiful. Here we are sporting the Creation tee and the Fishers of Men tee! 

So guess what?! You get to enter to win a $75 gift certificate to buy anything you want from Zoe Clothing Co! How generous is that?? 

You must be a follower of Aisle to Aloha using the GFC gadget on the right. Visit Zoe Clothing Company and leave a comment letting me know which items you'd choose! So many choices! Would you share with the kids? With your man? Or stock up on adorable women's tees, tanks and dresses?? 

**Additional entry**

If you tweet about this giveaway, leave another comment/entry. (Make sure you mention @aisletoaloha so I can keep track of the tweets!)

Giveaway will be open until Tuesday, March 8th and the winner will be chosen using and will be announced on Wednesday March 9th. 

**Can't wait to go shopping? Use the coupon code ALOHA20 to get 20% off your order between now and March 8th!**

Colorful Skirts & Beautiful Sisters.

My Neck is Warm & My Heart is Full.