Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

It's the Little Things: A Good Book, A Blank Canvas, A Silly Straw

Deployments are hard. 

Like yesterday when I had big plans to get orders out to the post office and fill my kitchen with food, and I went out to my car to find the battery dead. And then after jump starting it with my neighbor, (picture two girls reading the instruction manuals on the jumper cable box and cringing when we attached the cables to the batteries!), I walked out to the car an hour later with a huge pile of boxes (picture Gus-Gus the mouse from the movie Cinderella) and it wouldn't start. 

So it was a fun afternoon trying to get new battery and asking a friend from church to come over and install it for me. Days like that make me miss Chris even more and are just another reminder that he's no here. 

 It's the little things that get me through the week with a smile. Here are some phone photos of some of those little things this week.

Reading a good book on the beach makes me happy. This day was cloudy and chilly so I was bundled up in a sweatshirt with my toes in the sand and it felt sooo good. I'm reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It's pretty good though I'm not sure it really lives up to the hype it's received. 

A roomful of blank canvases is one of the cheeriest sights I could see. My notebooks and my mind are overflowing with ideas for new paintings and I am itching to fill those canvases with happy colors. 

Sometimes, ya just gotta drink your water with a crazy straw.

This is slightly embarrassing. A little before and after for you. It's nice to be able to walk around in my own bedroom without tripping all over the place. 

Are you reading any good books right now? Can you commiserate with me about that awfully messy bedroom? What are some little things getting you through the week?

My Paint Shirt

Fresh Paint: Click, Wish & Zing!