Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Studio to Home: Baby Barrick's Nursery

My post is going up a bit later than normal today. I'm lounging on my couch eating popcorn and drinking wine and watching the Royal Wedding. My heart is about to burst from all the sweet emotion! 

I'm excited to share with you a brand new Studio to Home today! A few months ago, I shared with you some custom paintings I did for my friend's baby boy's nursery. An adorable yellow and gray hedgehog and a wishin' Cutie in navy blue. 

Melissa did a fabulous job of putting together Baby Barrick's woodland nursery, using meaningful elements like furniture passed down from family, as well as beautiful finds from Etsy. Check out her full nursery reveal on her blog here. 

I'm always so honored when I get to be a part of a nursery and I am praying for Melissa as she anxiously awaits her baby boy's arrival any moment! 

I love the combination of things that Melissa chose to hang on her gallery wall-- from baby pictures of herself and her hubby, Bobby, to prints from Etsy and a sonogram picture of their little boy. 

Do you have an Aisle to Aloha Studio painting in your house that you'd love to show off in a Studio to Home post? I love seeing where my paintings end up finding new homes, so shoot me an email at aisletoaloha [at] if you want to share!

With Mother's Day coming up, are you still scrambling for a gift idea? Or are you looking for ideas to hint at your hubby?? Take 10% off your Aisle to Aloha Studio order all weekend with the code ILOVEMYMAMA at checkout. Deadline for Mother's Day delivery is Sunday, May 1. 

The winner of the Amy Cornwell $25 shop credit giveaway is Bethany! Congrats Bethany! 

Blogger Bethany said...

I love the new bloom ring! 

April 21, 2011 12:31 PM

If you are bummed you didn't win-- never fear! Use the code ALOHA to receive 10% off your order until May 5th! 

Have a great weekend, everyone! 

Happy Birthday May Birthday Girls!

Aloha From a Sponsor: K. Davis Creates