Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

[here and there] Alooooha Friday!

Happy Aloha Friday, my friends! Ready for weekend? Oohh yeah, baby!

It's been a pretty good week at the Wilkins' casa. 

Got some happy new curtains hung up in our bedroom. ( I'll be sharing more about them next week!) 

Spent a lot of time in my studio, painting away, bobbing my head to my Ingrid Michaelson Pandora station.  If my computer cooperates with me, I'll be listing a new painting or two in the shop later today.

Ate a LOT of hummus. Seriously, love that stuff. With salt and pepper pita chips. Yum-o-licious. 

(Now you are going to analyze my fridge, aren't you? Yes, that's bacon. Don't act all surprised.) 

I've been working with Leonora over at Yellow Heart Art on some super exciting changes for the bliggity blog. Here's a little sneak peek. You're gonna love it. Well, I do, anyway. 

Packing up for my trip to see Chris! Woot! I'm a bit nervous because there is talk of some changes in the schedule, so if you could pray with us that everything goes smoothly as planned, Chris and I would really appreciate it! Also, please be praying for safe travels for me! I have literally 24 hours of travel. Oy. 

Cannot wait to knock that boy down with a big 'ol hug! 

I'll be "out of the office" next week, but posts will be going up as usual ( barring any technical difficulties, of course!) 

My shop will stay open, but shipping will be delayed until the end of May. So, if you'd like to order a painting from my shop and get it before late May, please do so before tomorrow night (Saturday, May 7th). Any orders placed after May 7th will be shipped out the last week of May. 

Had a great week? A funky one? Any fun weekend plans? 

Bloggy Meetup with My Little Buffalo!

Aloha From a Sponsor: Hiya Luv