Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

What I Wore Wednesday: Traveling the World

Welcome to a special travel edition of What I Wore Wednesday! I've done a lot of traveling in the past few years (Spain, Italy, Mexico, back and forth from Hawaii to East Coast a lot and Japan!)  and just last week I traveled 24 hours from Honolulu to Thailand to visit Chris. So I've picked up a few tricks and tips that help make traveling easier for me. Here's what works for me.

I always wear super comfy clothes while traveling. I don't think that super comfy means you have to look frumpy too. I travel much more confidently if I'm wearing something that is not only very comfortable but also makes me feel great. No make-up and no jewelry-- just plain and simple.

mustard yellow tee:: {papaya}
floral tunic:: {town and country surf shop}
gray leggings:: {charlotte russe}
slippers.. aka flip-flops :: {reef}
yellow knapsack: {roxy}
navy handbag: {target}

I like to travel light and usually just take on one carry-on but for this extra long journey, I had my computer, DSLR, books, sweatshirt, travel pillow and other tidbits so I brought my Roxy knapsack and Target handbag. Both are light and hold a LOT.

Reading material is a must. I love a book I can really dig into and makes me forget my surroundings. I also like some light reading material-- magazines like In Style, Real Simple and Rachael Ray Mag are my faves.

Gum, sweet treats and ear buds always make their way into my carry-on too. I'm not a big Ipod listener, but the Ipod ear buds are perfect for listening to movies on the plane, and sure beat the awful $2 ones they hand out.

Another trick I like to use-- before I leave the house, I pull up some of my favorite blogs on my laptop. They provide a good distraction mid way through the flight and since they are already on my browser, no need for internet! (I know you can purchase inflight wifi, but it's not an option on flights over the ocean and this is a great free alternative!)

Of course, I always bring my glasses, contacts case and a small bottle of contact solution.

It doesn't take long for the plane air to dry out my eyes. Plus, then I can take dorky pictures like this one in the Tokyo airport.

Got any good travel tips? Been anywhere fun lately?

Kisses, Pad Thai & Elephant Rides.

Art on Our Walls:: Fiji Painting for Chris