Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Aloha From a Sponsor: Geeky & Sassy

Happy Friday, friends! I've got a fabulous shop to share with you today and a giveaway too! Meet Virginia of Geeky and Sassy! She uses beautiful, high quality fabrics to create accessories for your home-- including table runners, pillows, kitchen towels, and more. Check out her interview with me and stick around for a great giveaway at the end! 

Aloha Virginia! Can you tell us a bit about yourself and the beautiful things you make?

Aloha!  I'm so excited to be sponsoring Lindsay's blog and to be able to share a little about me with all of you!  I'm a klutzy, diet coke loving, coffee drinking mom of 2 and wife to a wonderful man.  I've just recently resigned from my job to stay at home with my kids.  I'm not one to sit still, so I opened a shop to share my love of sewing and fabrics with others.  My Mom and my Grandmother got me started with sewing when I was tiny, so I blame this on them ;-)  In my shop I have items for your home, including pillow covers, kitchen towels, table runners and banners.  I've done custom items such as baby sets, quilts, curtains and more.  Pretty much if I can sew it on my machine, I'm up for the challenge.  I also may be a bit of a fabric snob - I'm pretty particular in my choices for both look and quality.  

What's the best advice you've ever received?

I hope this doesn't come across like I've got it all together or think i do - far from it,  but I honestly cling to the verse Phillipians 4:4-7 -   Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
it not only reminds me that I'm not in control, not to worry, trust in God, and be full of joy (in the midst of toddler tantrums and the unknown).
I also remember ~ Don't sweat the small stuff and ask myself ~ What will matter 100 years from now?  

What's your favorite piece of art in your home?

Oh, this is a tough one.  I would have to say the retro couch I am planning to reupholster with my Mom (does a couch count? - I haven't bought my A2A painting yet!)  It was the couch my Mother-in-law grew up with.  Shaggy green with more of a Danish twist.  It's sadly in our basement waiting to be restored to it's former glory.

What's your favorite color and what do you think it says about your personality?

Pink.  Pink is my signature color.  (reference to Steel Magnolias anyone!?)   Always has been, always will be....the brighter pinks.  (Although with home decor I'm currently obsessed with teals, greens and golden yellows.)  I think it may say that I love to have fun, be girly and am not afraid to stand out a little.  Popular or not I stand by her.  When pink was "out" I was nicknamed the 80s girl in college - not cool in the 90s.  That's ok, I think all of us who appreciate art and color have a bit more boldness.  

Thanks Virginia! Can't wait to see that reupholstered couch-- how cool!

So, who wants to win a $30 shop credit to Geeky and Sassy?? You have your choice of a variety of colorful pillows, table runners, even fabric!

To enter, go visit Geeky and Sassy and come back here to leave a comment telling me what you might purchase with your $30 shop credit!

*Additional entries!* 

Follow Geeky and Sassy blog and leave a comment on this post telling me that you do! 

Follow Geeky and Sassy on twitter and leave a comment on this post telling me that you do! 

Tweet about the giveaway and yep, you got it, leave a comment on this post telling me that you did.

You can use this tweet if you want:: 

Woohoo! I entered to win a $30 shop credit to @geekyandsassy on @aisletoaloha-- have you entered? 

Good luck! Giveaway ends 7/6! 


adios & a few reminders!

Adventures of the Wandering WhippyCakes :: Twiggy // Oahu, Hawaii