Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Inspire Me Monday: Yellow & Seafoam Green

hello there sweet friends! And happy Monday! We all need a little pick me up on Mondays, so that's what Inspire Me Monday is all about-- starting your week out with beautiful color inspiration. 

I decided to combine the series "Color Wheel" with the Inspire Me Monday series, and I'll be bringing you beautiful, funky, vibrant color combos in the form of inspiring outfits, recipes, handmade goodness, spaces, or whatever else floats my boat.

Let's kick off the week with the refreshing combo of yellow and seafoam green! 

[clockwise from upper left]

Oh boy, don't those lemons look refreshing? Teresa's blog is filled with tons of beautiful photos and lots of photography tips for the novice! 

This sweater from Anthropologie's October 2007 catalog is gorgeous, is it not?

The texture and color of these bracelets from easternsky on Etsy is so soft and pretty. Lana puts together such great color combinations. I can't decide which I would want for my own wrist. Which one is your favorite?

I could stay in this room forever. I am digging the modern, fresh acrylic table mixed with the texture and warmth of the palette daybed and vintage surfboard. 

This is going to be a super busy, exciting week as I get ready for a certain guy's home coming in a-number-of-days-I-cant-tell-you. I have lots of projects that I'm working on around the house and I'll be sure to blog about them in the next month! After Chris gets home, I'll still be posting but just not as frequently. And the first week or so of July, the computer is getting put in the closet! ;) (well, maybe) I'll be putting my shop on vacation mode and I have lots of incredibly awesome guest bloggers lined up for you guys! 

Happy Monday! 


Surprise Parades & a New Hat on My Head.

Weekend Sale!