Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

It's the Little Things: Beach Days & Homecoming Prep (And a Vlog!)

So many good "little" things this week. But really, they are big things.

The week started off pretty awesome with a day at the beach with my girl friends and their baby girls. Sunshine, good conversation and sandy baby toes -- um, pretty awesome.

I've been working on Chris' homecoming banner ( and other fun homecoming projects) all week. Not only am I high on the sharpie fumes, but I'm a little high on the "Chris is coming home, woot-woot!" fumes. Er, vibes, er whatever. 

I made homemade fries the other day. So freakin' good. And homemade dipping sauce too ( or as I accidently tweeted the other day "funny dipping sauce... not sure what that is.) 

I think I've been coerced by my twitter buddies to share the recipe-- so do you want it? I'll post it soon if you're interested, but I'll warn you, it's anything but healthy. 

There's nothing like writing a grocery list for TWO after months of shopping for one. I can't even explain how excited I am to start cooking fun recipes with Chris again. He's so fun to cook with and I sure have missed eating "real" meals! 

I just wanted to say thank you for all of the prayers, support and encouragement over the past few months. So I recorded a little vlog. 

Do I sound like you thought I would? I kind of love seeing videos of my favorite bloggers-- it's funny to see if they sound the way they sound in my head. 

Anyway, if you can't watch the video, it's just me saying..... you guys rock. I'm so thankful for this blogging community and the great support you've been to me while Chris has been gone. I really have felt so loved and supported by you-- so thanks for reading, thanks for commenting, tweeting me, emailing, etcetera. 

Hope you have an awesome weekend! I'll be busy smooching my husband the next few weeks, but never fear, I have some really fun posts lined up. ;)


It's Here!

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