Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

New Branding for Aisle to Aloha!

I'm so excited about my new branding! It's such a sweet collaboration between my friend Sandy of Sandy a la mode (who took the pictures you see in my header and blog ads while we were at Creative Estates), Leonora, from Yellow Heart Art, who designed my new logo, header and blog ads, and Lauren from Designer Blogs who helped me pull everything together into a fabulous blog design.

Thank you so much Sandy, Leonora and Lauren-- you girls rock!

My new branding was inspired by my super colorful skirt. I'm pretty much head over heels with it and doesn't it kind of look like paint splatters? Anyway, I had a vision in my head of me wearing my skirt against an awesome textured building holding paintbrushes. Pretty much, Sandy captured exactly what I had in mind for those pictures. I love the combination of the bright, vibrant colors and the messy, weathered texture from the brick.

Oh, and that dahlia design up there? That's literally one of my blooms from my Dahlia Dahling paintings. Leonora pulled it from my painting and digitally illustrated it into the design, pretty awesome, right? Makes me love the design even more.

You'll see these ads popping up around the blogosphere--I'm currently hanging out on the sidebars of  Pleated Poppy, Wild and Precious, Casey Wiegand and Josiah's Nest right now.

I, of course, had to bring a little more coral into my new branding because, you know I'm obsessed with it. :) And get this, the scripty font in in my side bars and header is called "Pacifico"-- pretty perfect for this blog, huh?

Here are some of the pictures from the photo shoot I did with Sandy back in April.

Of course, my girl, Moriah, had to pull out her awesome modeling skillz too. Ha. We're nerds. 

Please bare with me as I tweak a few things here and there in the next few weeks. Hope you love it, because I sure do!


Weekend Sale!

So You Wanna Make Pad Thai?