Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

WIWW: Mustard Yellow & Pretty Florals (And some NEW paintings!)

Happy Hump Day! That means it's What I Wore Wednesday!

blouse: {Forever 21}
skirt: {Forever}
belt: {Forever 21... I know, I have a problem.}
ring: {Charlotte Russe}
sandals: {American Eagle}

It's been rainy, thunderstorm-y and blustery all week, including the day I wore this outfit. Not sure what possessed me to wear a short skirt and sheer-ish blouse while running errands on a drizzly day. But I did.

 Silly girl. 

Along with the thunderstorms have come power outages. Which are wonderful if you have a good book, a flashlight and a handsome hubby to cuddle with. I had none of these so they were pretty inconvenient. Oh well, I took a trip to Starbucks and settled in with my laptop and a toffee mocha latte and everything was better. 

I spent many hours in my studio yesterday, spilling many of the ideas in my head onto blank canvases. I took only a few short breaks for hummus and pita chips, and of course, Twitter breaks. 

So, I've got a bunch of fun paintings coming to the shop this week. Here are a few sneak peeks of some of them. Notice those sweet chevron guys-- coral and navy. Oh yes, loving that combo this week.

Aloha From a Sponsor: Nicole from Olive Blue

Studio Graffiti