Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

3 Ways to Stay Inspired from Erin of Elegant Girl Art

My next guest poster this week is Erin from Elegant Girl Art. She's gorgeous, sweet, and creates awesome jewelry out of thrifted spoons! Today she has some simple tips for staying inspired. She is one of the most inspiring people I know, so listen up, guys!

Aloha new friends! I'm Erin and I'm just a tad bit obsessive about glitter and taking over the world with my upcycled spoon necklaces. I blog over at Elegant Girl Art about my journey as a crafty biz owner.

This is me!

Today I am here to share with you my must-haves to be inspired and stay inspired in my your crafty biz.

1. ALWAYS carry a journal. You don't exactly have to make daily entries, rather hourly ramblings. My journal is full of tag ideas, necklace designs, description edits etc.

I keep them all in this clever little bright yellow suede journal my hubby got for me. Its small enough to fit in my purse, yet...

Big enough to cover all my wide variety of ideas and scribbles. And yes, I do scribble.

2. Next, I recommend that you keep an inspiration folder on your desktop like so.

I take screenshots of anything that inspires me. Other artwork, clothes, ads, whatever. I take a screenshot, shove it in the folder and come back to it when I am feeling the urge.

3. Last but not least, read your friends' blogs! Their passion, victories, and products are always inspiring. When you aren't feeling creatively juicy, what a better place to start than your friends daily posts!

What are your favorite ways to get inspired and stay inspired? Share them with me in the comments below!

9 Gorgeous DIY Ideas from Meg of Meg's Musings!

A Summer Fantasy Getaway from Danielle of Merriweather Council