Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Eat, Sleep, Play.

Yeah, that's pretty much how it went down last week. Eat, sleep, play. And I took a lot of photos so I'm going to bombard you with them today (and maybe for the next week or two.) 

Fourth of July was a blast. Har har. No, but really, it was a great day. We woke up bright and early for a morning surf session which ended up just being a "paddle around in the warm salt water and sunshine" session since there were absolutely no waves. 

Fine by me. 

We made our way into town well before the start of fireworks to avoid traffic. We wasted time people watching in the mall (and making up ridiculous life scenarios for every person) and popped in to a local grill for some crab and artichoke dip while we waited for the sun to dip lower in the sky. 

Our view for the fireworks was incredible. 

{linking up to sweet shot tuesdays for this one above!)

The rest of the week was filled with...

beach time.


Driving around the island. 

(where I made Chris stop every few miles so I could get out and take pictures.)

He's a good sport.

A stop at the Haleiwa Farmer's Market. 

We picked up the most amazingly fresh and delicious pesto... heaven in a jar. 

Also, I got yelled at by a woman at the orchid booth for taking photos. She was not nice. 

We ate tons of delicious food all week too...

... including penang curry and spicy papaya salad that we made from scratch using the recipes from our cooking school in Thailand. 

It was way better than anything I've eaten in restaurants. So, so good. 

I think I fancy stay-cations. 

Psst... just added my blog to BlogLovin. If you're on there, make sure to follow me! 


Malasadas, Dragon Maki and Some Awesome Shorts.

Introducing a New Painting Series:: Ripples!