Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Studio to Home: Jamie's Colorful Collage

I just about squealed when Jamie sent me these photos of her Aisle to Aloha Studio paintings in her craft/guest room. Most of the time, I only get to imagine my artwork in the space it was intended for, so when I really get to see it 'living' in a room, I get pretty darn excited. 

Jamie is a photographer and her husband is a writer. She first commissioned the mustard yellow 12x12 Click-Click and then later got the idea from her mother-in-law to have me paint a red 12x12 Write On to incorporate her husband's love for writing. The Tweet-Tweet and Wishin' add more color and whimsy to the space. 

Here you can see Jamie's color inspiration, drawn from the gorgeous handmade quilt and pillows on the guest bed. 

Thanks for letting me feature your space, Jamie! 

Got some Aisle to Aloha Studio artwork you want to show off? 

Send your best photos to aisletoaloha {at} gmail {dot} come and I'll be happy to feature your space too!

Want a colorful collage like Jamie's? Have fun shopping, friend! 


An Attempt to Be More "Others-Centered."

Aloha Style:: I Like to Ride My Bicycle.