Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

I'm an Over-Achieving Sandwich Eater.

After a long weekend away, Chris had the day off on Monday. Such a sweet surprise. The day ahead of us was wide open so we jumped in the Jeep and took off to the North Shore. With its wide expanse of grassy fields, pineapple farms and majestic mountains, this is easily one of my favorite drives on the island.

In Haleiwa, we hit up Chris' favorite sandwich shop, Stortos. And I bit my lip hard after taking a huge bite of my awesome sammie. Just wanted to be a big kid like Chris and take big bites. That'll teach me. 

dress:: {Target}
belt:: {Target}
necklace:: {market in Spain}
sandals:: {lil store in Annapolis , MD}
rings:: {gift from Chris and American Eagle}
nail polish:: {turquoise and caicos from Essie}

After lunch, we hit up the beach for some sunshine and floating in the ocean. Big fan of surprise days off over here. 

I'll leave you with this awkward picture that Chris took as I was clearing the brush away from the wall. No, I'm not peeing, I promise. 

Linking up with Lindsey's What I Wore Wednesday. 


Change of Plans.

{what i've learned}:: blogging