Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins


Ever look through your camera memory card and iphoto files to see if you just *happen* to have a potential blog post just waiting to be written? Uh, yeah.... I've got nothing, guys. Just a lot of randomosity for you today. And photos from my phone from the week. 

... pepper jack cheese. Love that stuff. I've had a sammie for lunch every day this week and I'm rediscovering my love for that kicky cheese. It's good. 

... goals. I'm so bad at keeping them, guys. It's kind of depressing. How do you stick to your goals? 

... vampires. Why are they so fascinating to me? Not so much in movies or tv, but books. Sit me on the beach with a cold beer and a vampire book and I'm a happy girl.

... indecisiveness. I'm trying to decide on some fabrics for my vintage chairs. For my studio chair, I'm considering a fabric from this shop... just don't know which one. They're all so pretty. 

... I bought a maxi dress. This one.  Isn't it gorgeous? I'm hoping that I don't absolutely drown in all that beautiful silk fabric. Can't wait to rock it on a date with Chris when he gets home! 

Got any interesting (or not interesting, as it may be) randomosity in your life?


Filled to the Brim

pssst... got some fun stuff to tell you.