Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

aloha from a sponsor:: naptime diaries!

Jessi of Naptime Diaries is one of the sweetest women I've ever come into contact with. She is the gorgeous mama to three and creative mind behind the blog and Etsy shop, Naptime Diaries! Jessi designs beautiful graphic prints that are full of truth, grace and inspiration. 

I have two Naptime Diaries prints in my studio! You've seen this one on my wall, and I also have this one hanging on my cork board. I love the color and inspiration they bring to me each day! Her whole shop is filled with fabulous prints-- it's hard to choose a favorite!

Get to know Jessi a bit and stick around for a discount code at the end! 

Hey Jessi! Can you tell Aisle to Aloha readers a few random things about yourself?

- I had three kids in three years. Which means I was pregnant for roughly 30 out of 36 months! Yikes! And I had three kids under three for a year. Double yikes! But now I have precious (and wild) 2, 3, & 4 year olds. 
- I carry around a hospital-sized water sipper with me at all times. Preferably filled with crunched ice & water. 

You are such an inspiring and encouraging person! Who inspires and encourages you?

Well goodness, I sure don't feel inspiring or encouraging! But I love some inspiring and encouraging people! I'd have to say my sister (who turns 30 today, woohoo!) and my husband. My sister is one of the most Christ-like, beautiful, missional, lovely, and hilarious women in the world. I'm spurred on by her in reading and loving God's word AND wearing lipstick in the preschool drop-off line. 

And my husband is just really incredible. He's been through some incredibly hard seasons and he's stood by me through some as well. And he encourages me in my blog & shop endeavors like whoa. Sometimes he'll come home from running errands with amazing blog ideas that I would've never thought of. 

What is one of your biggest lessons learned since entering into the blogging/handmade world?

One of the biggest lessons I've learned from running this blog (for years) and this shop (for months) is to consider my merchandise profitable, like Proverbs 31 says. My job is not to be a blogger or shop owner. My job is to (by God's grace) be an excellent wife, an trustworthy mom, and a disciple who makes disciples. So if I'm going to endeavor to do something outside of those things - I need to do them intentionally and purposefully and I need to consider my work of worth. This comes into play when I feel bashful about friends paying me for my work or anytime I feel like it's necessary to downplay what the Lord is doing through the blog and shop. 

And finally, what's your favorite color and what do you think it says about you?

Hm. Can I give the worst answer? I think I might not have one. Our home is full of every color in the rainbow. I think for the past few years of my life I've been really overwhelmed with what's on my plate and how much I can handle and life was pretty colorless. And now, I cannot get enough! But some top picks are navy, coral, mint and grey.Oh and red:). 

Can't get enough of this sweet girl? I don't blame you. 

Go hang out with her on her blog! 

Chat with her on twitter

Take a generous 20% off your order with the code ALOHA at checkout! 

Thanks for hanging out with me today, Jessi! 


it's the little things:: love notes, new 'dos & lime juice

aloha style:: celebration!