Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

aloha style: let's get personal.

top:: {dress, target}
{see it as a dress here!}
belt:: {forever21}
skirt:: {forever21}
slippers:: {annapolis mall}

(these pictures were taken before I got my hair cut-- hence the split ends and super long ((for me)) hair!)

That photo above is what happens when you try to take photos in a banyan tree. Well, when I try to, at least-- I attempt to pose coyly but then trip all over the place and make a fool of myself. 

Speaking of making a fool of myself. A few weeks ago, one of my readers (cloaked in anonymity) left a comment about how I thought I looked awesome, but I really looked like a fool. 

I shrugged the comment off (after laughing at the absurdity of someone spending their time writing those things), but it got me thinking about personal style. Mainly, the personal side of it. You'll never hear me proclaim any knowledge or expertise in fashion. I know little about the trends of the runway and I will be the first to tell you that. But what I do love is personal style. Creating new outfits out of forgotten items in my closet. Piecing together color combinations that feel fresh and vibrant. Discovering what works for me, and what doesn't. 

I don't expect that you guys will love (or even like) every one of my outfits. That's because I don't dress for you. I dress for me. And you should too-- you should dress in a way that makes you feel confident, that lets you step out the door and feel ready to take on anything -- even if it's chasing after toddlers or sitting in a cubicle writing up expense reports all day. 

In the last few months, as I'm sure you've noticed (you've noticed, right?)-- I've started sharing my outfits here on my blog. Not because I think I'm the bees knees and I think you should all dress like me. Not at all. I like sharing what I'm wearing because I know that I find inspiration in seeing what other bloggers are wearing and if I can inspire you to throw on some more beautiful color or see that dress in your closet as more than just a dress, then I think that's pretty awesome. 

You are beautiful. You are creative. You are you. So why not dress that way, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise? 


PS. Linking up with Lindsey for What I Wore Wednesday! 

behind the scenes:: autumn-inspired paintings

garbage potatoes.