Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

a pretty washi tape tutorial!

I know I'm not the only one who is slightly obsessed with japanese washi tape these days. The brightly colored, happy paper tape can be used for so many things-- from pretty packaging, tiny bunting flags, to turning plain things beautiful. I recently discovered the beauty of moleskine journals. The name freaks me out and makes me think of dead animals, but I got over that and picked a few up last time I was in town. The blank kraft cover and pure pages call to me. 

Today I'm going to show you how to turn your plain jane journal into a sweet personalized notebook. 

First, getcher stuff together. 

plain notebook  {I got my three-pack of moleskines at Barnes and Noble.} 
washi tape  in a variety of colors/patterns  {I bought some on Etsy, and others in my craft store.}
mod podge
old paintbrush {not a good one!}

One by one, rip off a strip of tape, apply a thin coat of mod podge to the back and apply it to your notebook. Vary the lengths of the tape and feel free to get a little funky with your layering-- you can do stripes, or run the tape in all different directions. 

You could just stick the washi tape on and call it a day, but it tends to not be super-duper sticky, and I want the option of throwing my notebook around a bit. The mod podge makes it a bit more durable. 

Continue ripping, applying a coat of mod podge and sticking until the entire front is covered. I just wrapped longer pieces around the cover like so.

When your cover is er, covered, go ahead and apply a thin coat of mod podge over the whole thing.

Let it dry and start doodling, journaling, and sketching! 

This pretty one is headed off in the mail to a sweet blogging friend. If you are reading this-- it could be coming to youuu! ;) 

What's your favorite way to use that fabulous washi tape? 


PS. One year ago today, I opened up the cyber doors of Aisle to Aloha Studio! It's been such an amazing year and I'm excited to celebrate with you later today! Make sure you stop back by for a suh-weet giveaway and big sale celebration! 

Happy One Year, Aisle to Aloha Studio!

dawn on the north shore.