Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
— Lindsay Wilkins

aloha aloha to my awesome small-ad sponsors!

Today I'm introducing you to three of my newest awesome small ad sponsors! These ladies are the definition of creative and they inspire me in so many ways. 
I asked them each a mini-interview question-- 

If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why? 

Keep reading to see their answers and check out their inspirational blogs and shops! 

Kate is a incredibly creative girl who lives in the UK and has mad drawing and painting skills! Her blog is filled with fascinating tattoo inspiration, her whimsical drawings and logo designs, and her love for to-do lists!  She recently sent me an adorable print that's hanging in my studio and makes me smile every day!  

Kate said...

If i could be any fictional character, i'd be tempted to say Hermione Granger cause she's a witch AND she marries Ron Weasley. I always used to want to be Matilda, I guess the magical powers would still come in handy ;)

Find Kate...

Minna's shop is such a breath of fresh air! Her jewelry is beautifully delicate and she keeps coming out with more beauties! I can never choose a favorite, but I love her new necklaces and her chevron friendship bracelets especially! 

Minna says...
I would like to be Claire Dunphy from the show Modern Family for a day, just because I wouldn't mind being a part of a crazy family (:

Find Minna...

Laura's lovely shop is filled with accessories for girls of all ages! She creates the sweetest headbands and necklaces and they are only a reflection of her own sweet soul! 

Laura says...

Fictional Character?  This is so hard.  I guess the first one that pops into my mind is Becky Bloomwood--classic, right? I just love her spunk, sass, and ability to get out of sticky situations looking fabulous. I really enjoy reading the Shopaholic Series and devour them in a long weekend.
“I love new clothes. If everyone could just wear new clothes everyday, I reckon depression wouldn’t exist anymore.”
Sophie KinsellaConfessions of a Shopaholic
Amen girl. Amen.

Find Laura...

Go browse their lovely shops, say aloha on twitter and follow their awesome blogs! 


it's the little things:: storm clouds and surf dates

how to wear your dresses as skirts and tops.