Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

aloha style: i know i live in hawaii but...

top:: {forever21}
cutoff shorts:: {american eagle}
bag:: {navy exchange, bueno}
earrings:: {gift from a friend}
{earrings seen as a necklace here!}
bracelet:: {gift from friend, dominican republic}
scarf:: {olive blue}
sandals:: {payless}

So, even though it's blazing hot out during the day here, I can't help but be obsessed with scarves lately. It may have something to do with my hunger for the cool fall weather, but I've bought two this week alone. The one I'm wearing here is my current fave. It's a little heavier than my others, so it's perfect for wearing something cozy paired with leggings with AC cranked up, or after sunset on a Friday night. 

(Not that it has to be a Friday night. Tuesday would do too. Or Sunday, for that matter.)

Something else I'm obsessed with-- the band The Civil Wars. Their pandora station has been my constant companion during my painting sessions this week. Special thanks to Sarah who emailed me last week, suggesting a listen might help relieve a little stress. You must go listen-- perfect music for the fall!

I spent all day yesterday finishing up a bunch of custom paintings. I'm super excited to show them to you later this week. Stay tuned, yo. 

So, um, is it just me, or do you wear scarves in warm weather too? 


PS. Last day to enter to this La Luce Designs giveaway! Winner announced tomorroooow!

busy, busy, busy.

it's the little things:: cookie dough & chevron rugs