Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

aloha style: oops, I did it again.

blouse:: { forever21}
belt:: forever21}
skirt (actually a dress!):: {navy exchange, o'neill}
(see it as a dress here)
bracelet:: {aloha swap meet}
sandals:: {target}
nail polish:: {hot and spicy by OPI}

Yeah, I did it again. That's actually a dress, not a skirt. I know, this is becoming quite a habit-- me turning dresses into skirts. But it seriously opens up possibilities in my wardrobe that I'd never thought of before! 

A bunch of you have asked how I wear my dresses as skirts and tops. I'm happy to share my "secrets" with you! Come back later today for a tutorial on making the most out of your wardrobe by using your dresses as skirts and tops! 

And if I look kind of awkward in my pictures today... it's because I am. Just as Chris and I were about to take some photos in the perfect spot on the normally deserted path, three little girls came zoooooming up on their bikes, loudly yelling,

Excuse me! ExCUSE me!

 They threw their bikes down behind me and went to play by the water right by where we were taking pictures. So, we moved over a few yards, but I was totally feeling weird at that point. 

Chris got this picture before we moved of me thinking "um, this is awkward. I guess we'll move down the path then..."

See you later today when we talk about making the most of those dresses hanging in your closet!

PS. (It's Wednesday, so of course I'm linking up with lovely Lindsey!) 

PPS. Um, yeah, I used a Britney song as my title. More awkwardness for ya, there. 


how to wear your dresses as skirts and tops.

busy, busy, busy.