Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

announcements! sponsorship & a meet-up!

{Sponsor Aisle to Aloha!}

Can you believe the holidays are coming up so quickly? They especially sneak up on me here in Hawaii, where we don't have wintry reminders like the chilly wind and gray skies (which I actually miss dearly!) 

As a handmade shop owner, I know things are already in full force getting ready for the holidays! Have you thought about sponsoring Aisle to Aloha?

This year, I'll be hosting my very first Mele Gift Guide! All sponsors will be included and I'll be featuring your beautiful items, as well as your Black Friday and holiday discount codes. If you'd like to be a part of this (and gain more exposure for your shop), consider sponsoring this little blog! 

If you're interested in, please check out my sponsor page where you will find all my stats, rates and policies! No need to email me for pricing-- all the info you need is right here! If I consider your shop a great fit for Aisle to Aloha, I'll give you a big virtual hug and we'll go from there! 

PS. Blogs are absolutely welcome as sponsors as well! 

{Reader Meetup!}

Alsoooo! I've gotten a few emails from readers here on Oahu introducing themselves (hi, guys!) and offering to meet up. Honestly, I think it might be super awkward to meet up one-on-one when I know nothing about you and you know everything about me. I mean, love ya, but ya know...

But I have a solution!

I've been brainstorming an idea. I'm thinking of pulling together an Aisle to Aloha meet-up -- maybe in late November or December. I was thinking maybe we could grab some cupcakes, sit around and chat and connect? It would hopefully be less awkward than meeting one-on-one and we can all meet new friends. This isn't specifically for bloggers-- but readers of Aisle to Aloha, no matter who you are. 

If you are down for something like that, shoot me an email and if I get enough interest, I'll start planning!

Ok, that's all! Come by later for the Little Things linkup!  


it's the little things:: book boyfriends & chicks on the beach

aloha from a sponsor:: tag you're it jewelry!