Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

peacin' out.

My bed is covered with 3 pairs of jeans, 6 scarves, 8 shirts, 3 skirts and 3 dresses (and I'll probably add more in the next 24 hours). My library book wishlist is about 6 books deep and I'm still deciding which backpack to take as a carry-on (thank you Delta for the two free checked bags for military!).

We're pretty much bouncing off the walls happy to be heading home to the East Coast this week! We're stoked for... 

... Chickfilaaaaa, pad thai at Nano's, Panera, a pastrami sandwich at Chick and Ruth's, Kohl's, Anthro, my favorite art store, Art 'n Things!

... Chris gets to meet 4 new nieces/nephews, I get to meet 3. We get to see all 11 of those kids! 

... ice-skating with all 6 of my siblings and 9 kiddos. 

... hiking in the cold forest. 

... big wedding shindig. 

... a photo shoot in downtown Annapolis! 

... Moriah and her baby girl, Lucia are coming to visit! 

... fires in the fireplace, boots on my feet, red noses, cozy blankets and coats! 

So I'm planning on taking a bit of a bloggy break here. Honestly, I'll probably be checking back in every now and then over the next two weeks. I just can't stay away from you people. If you want to keep up with me, follow me on twitter-- I will definitely still be chatting it up on there. 

(Speaking of twitter, if you want to see a picture of me and Chris dressed as Katy Perry and Steven Tyler on Saturday, I tweeted one here.) 

Also, the shop will remain open, but any orders placed while I'm away will be shipped the 3rd weekend in November. 

See you in a few weeks with more outfits posts, my review of my Kelly Moore bag, some {what I've learned} posts, lots of Little Things, more details on the Aisle to Aloha meetup,  and the Mele Gift Guide for your holiday shopping! :) 


bright foliage, burnt marshmallows & a fall outfit.

it's the little things:: text messages & an extra egg