Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
— Lindsay Wilkins

a recipe for you:: fire lime shrimp tacos!

 This is not a food blog. But sometimes Chris and I make up (or come across) a recipe so delicious, I feel like it would be a blogging crime to keep it from you guys. We have so much fun cooking in the kitchen, it's seriously one of our favorite ways to spend time together.

Lately we've been obsessed (oooobsessed) with shrimp tacos. We created this recipe from lots of different recipes we found on the web and we call it fire lime shrimp tacos. The way we cook-- we don't really use measurements-- we just throw things in to taste. So, I don't have measurements here for you. It all depends on how much spice, etc. you want. I think that's part of the fun-- making it your own! 


shrimp marinade:: 
shrimp:: we use frozen/peeled/deveined shrimp.
olive oil:: just enough to coat the shrimp!
cayenne:: the more you add, the spicier the shrimp will be!
1-2 minced garlic cloves

lime-cilantro sourcream::
sour cream
lime juice
chopped cilantro
chopped jalapeño (optional)
salt to taste

chopped purple cabbage
lime slices
tortillas:: flour or corn, whichever you prefer! We like to use the small size.

Make it:

1. Thaw frozen shrimp. We use a bowl of warm water and a tightly sealed plastic bag.

2. Coat thawed shrimp in marinade and place in fridge for at least 20 minutes.

3. Combine ingredients for sour cream and set aside.

4. Cook the shrimp on medium-high-- not for long! If they are cooked already, you only need to heat them for about one minute. If raw, cook for about 3 minutes, just until they're no longer translucent. Cut off the tails.

5. Serve on warm tortillas with lime-cilantro sour cream, chopped purple cabbage, cilantro and lime juice. A nice cold Corona with lime goes perfectly with these babies.

Usually when we have these for dinner, there's no conversation, just some "Mmm"s and "Oh, so good"s and munching going on. The flavors are divine-- the spiciness of the shrimp paired with the creamy tang of the sour cream and the crunch of the purple cabbage.

I'd love to hear what you think if you make these! Got any meals you're obsessed with lately??


{what I've learned}:: starting a handmade shop!

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