Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

aloha style:: how I use shoes to trick myself.

plumeria in my hair:: {c/o the tree across the street}
sheer top:: {nordstrom rack}
under tank:: {f21}
belt:: {f21}
shorts:: {target}
bracelets:: {aloha swap meet, gifts}
shoes:: {c/o blowfish shoes}

Girls, I'm gonna be honest with you. I never really got the shoe obsession thing. Just, ya know, didn't get it. Until now. I am in love with my Hortons. They're so comfy, I even wear them in the Hawaii heat (and around the house sometimes too!) , which is saying a lot for this girl who usually walks around without shoes most of the year. (Plus, they have the same name as Dr. Seuss's Horton the Elephant, who might just be my very favorite cartoon character.)

You know another thing I love. Hawaii rain. Or any rain, really. It's been a bit rainy and windy and chilly this week and I'm loving it! (Except on Saturday when we were expecting a hot beach day and we got a chilly, wet one. Oh well.) I'm a seasons girl, so any change in the weather makes me really happy. To wear jeans in the evenings without them sticking to your legs-- heavenly. To snuggle up on the lanai in the middle of the afternoon with a blanket and a book-- so delightful. Taking inspirational walks in a light drizzle-- mmm. 

Which I guess is another reason I love those booties so much. They make me feel like I can hold on to a small semblance of seasonal wardrobe change. I can sort of trick myself into pretending it's winter-time. Kinda? Maybe? Maybe not in shorts... Hey, sometimes you just have to take what you can get. 

And let's not even talk about the difficulties of getting into the Christmas spirit when it's 80 degrees out. That's a tough one. But I'm working on it. ;) 

Oh hey! Don't forget-- today is the last chance to take advantage of one of my biggest sales ever! Use the code HOLIDAY25 for 25% off everything in the shop (even gift certificates) and get a free 6x6 when you spend more than $100! 

Psstt.. if you're in the market for some new shoes, Blowfish is having a 25% off sale today for Cyber Monday! Now's your chance to snag some super cute kicks! 


{what i've learned}:: staying motivated & being productive
