Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

mele gift guide:: for her

Ok, can I be honest with you? This next gift guide is kind of just my wishlist. All these sponsors make such gorgeous, girly things-- from rosette necklaces, comfy scarves, even the most adorable mustard yellow flats ever. So, don't be ashamed-- feel free to leave this page up on your browser for your man to see. Or if you're feeling really kind-- I bet your sister, mom, bestie would love you to death if she found any of these gifts under the tree! 

Hope you've enjoyed my Mele Gift Guide this week! I've loved bringing you some of my favorite products from my beautiful, inspirational sponsors! Have fun shopping! 

Discount:: BLACKFRIDAY for 30% off


HOLIDAY for 20% off (valid 11/25 only)


HOLIDAY40 for 40% off (valid 11/25-11/28)


THANKS18 for 18% off + free shipping

PS. Congrats to Andi of Prov3130 Girl on winning the Dandelion Dream giveaway! Email's coming your way, Andi! 


Aisle to Aloha Studio-- Holiday Sales!

mele gift guide:: for the men