Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

that time i knocked my front tooth out... and other stories about me.

I'm writing a frequently asked question page for the blog and it had me thinking about the things you guys may or may not know about me. I thought of some pretty random things and thought I'd share. Cuz you know, you guys all have time to sit and read about me all day. Pfft.

Well, I'm writing them anyway. For, you know, posterity.

 In college, I tried out for the accapela group on campus. I got called back and lost the gig after auditioning with others to the song "Hallelujah"... it still makes me think of that experience (and I shake my fist in bitterness) every time I hear that song.

At age 7, I knocked my front adult tooth out in a nasty fall down the stairs (I was trying to "rock climb" on the banister".) I still have issues with that tooth and have to go get it checked out soon. 

I was a spelling bee extraordinaire in elementary school. I made it to the regional level and still play a mean game of Scrabble thanks to those scores. 

i've read water for elephants three times and have yet to see the movie. Chris and I plan on having a dinner of popcorn and corndogs (ie. circus food) when it finally comes to redbox this week. 

i speak (or used to speak) fluent spanish.When I lived in Mexico, I used to speak it 95% of the time. It scares me everytime I tell someone that because I'm afraid they'll ask me to speak with them and I'll look like an idiot.

When I was 11, a bug stung my eyelid and it puffed up. My cruel oldest sister and my mom called me Quasimodo for days.

I'm like that little girl in the movie, Signs. I leave partly empty (partly full?) glasses of water all around the house.

My favorite letter to write is a lowercase "L". My least favorite is a "y" or a "g".

I once had really long hair. See it here. Chris misses it.

Okay, this was kind of an egocentric post... enough about me, already. I know you have some eccentricities and embarrassing stories-- care to share? Tell me something random about yourself.

Oh, and while you're on that comment form, got any questions for me that you think should be included in my faq page?


exposed! {and developed...}

{what i've learned}:: staying motivated & being productive