Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

aisle to aloha meetup:: wish you were there!

This past Saturday, I hosted my very first Aisle to Aloha meetup picnic in Blaisdell Park. I had such a fun time putting it together and planning it and even more fun hanging with the girls that came! Sadly, I had too much fun eating and chatting and didn't get ANY photos with the girls! :( So, Emily, Lisa, Michelle, Tiera and Carly-- my apologies but you were just too distracting. Or maybe baby Mason was too distracting! :) 

In preparation for the meetup, I made cupcake stands from $.99 plates and candlesticks from Goodwill, created cupcake flags from toothpicks and washi tape, and wrapped mason drinking jars with raffia. 

We ate yummy cupcakes from Hokulani Bakery and the flavors were to die for-- lilikoi lemon, strawberry guava, red velvet, chocolate cream cheese and snickerdoodle, yummm! I also had to order my favorite pizzas from CPK-- california club (with bacon!) and chicken thai-- because what fun is a meetup without bacon or pizza?? ;) I threw some veggies into the mix and plopped some sweet bell peppers and carrot sticks into mason jars with ranch. And to top it off, we sipped Aloha Juice ( strawberry orange and calamansi lime!) from mason jars with stripey straws bought online at Shop Sweet Lulu

I had such a blast meeting up with some of my readers on island and wish that each of you could have been there. I really am so thankful for each of you and hope that some day I have a chance to hug more of you! 

Have a great week, friends! 

PS. In case you haven't noticed, I've been listing my new canvas magnets and they've been selling like crazy this week! I'm getting a shipment today of lots of new canvases, so keep an eye on the shop for more new designs soon! :) 


oh, hi there.

it's the little things:: guest post by megan flynn from freckled italian!