Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
— Lindsay Wilkins

aloha & giveaway from a sponsor:: silver and honey!

Today I get to introduce to you one of my newest and sweetest sponsors-- Stephanie from Silver and Honey. Not only is her business name incredibly sweet, but Stephanie herself has such a precious heart and wonderful creative talent! You will love her jewelry, guaranteed. It's got classic beauty, with a bit of a quirky flair. Keep reading to learn more about Stephanie and stick around for a beeeautiful giveaway that you do not want to miss! 

Aloha Stephanie! Could you tell Aisle to Aloha readers a bit about yourself?

Aloha!  I am a wife, mommy, Christian and jewelry maker.  Up until a few months ago, I worked in the banking industry, but now I am incredibly blessed to be able to stay home with my son and pursue my dream of having my own business.

What is the story behind your sweet business? 

I’ve always been an artistic person but never really knew what my creative outlet was until I started making jewelry.  It started as a hobby when I was pregnant, but once I took my first Metalsmithing class I knew I had finally found my passion.  I started with a small Etsy shop, and then decided to rename/rebrand my business and focus on my own website. was born shortly after but I am still changing, learning new things and striving to improve my work.  I only wish I had enough time to do all of the things I want to do!

 What is the most special piece of jewelry you own or have owned in the past? What does it mean to you?

I have a necklace with a small diamond pendant that was given to me by my mother.  It was made from a pair of diamond earrings owned by my Great Grandmother.  She was an amazing woman, kind, gentle and full of love and she is the kind of person that I strive to be one day.  When she passed, my mother had the earrings made into two diamond necklaces.  She gave one to my sister and the other to me. 

If you could offer any piece of advice to small business owners, what would you say? 

Don’t freak out if you aren’t immediately successful!  It takes time to get your business out there and everyone has to start somewhere.  So don’t give up!  If you are doing what you love and doing it well, someone will notice and a way will open up!

Ok, sweet readers, it's me again. Ready for this gorgeous giveaway? Gotta admit, I'm a bit jealous of you. Stephanie has graciously offered a pair of her Pyrite and Pearl earrings to one of you! These 14k gold-filled earrings are elegant and quirky at the same time and will look gorgeous on those lobes of yours! 

Wanna enter to win? Here's how:: 

Leave a blog comment telling us your most special piece of jewelry and why. 

**Additional entries::**

Visit Silver and Honey and tell me your favorite piece of jewelry on Stephanie's site.  (Leave a separate comment here for an entry.)

Follow Stephanie's twitter! (Leave a separate comment here for an entry.)

Giveaway closes on Tuesday, January 3, 2012!


downtown annapolis photo shoot:: part two!

two reasons why you should email me today!