Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

camera giveaway from!

Aloha friends! I've got an exciting sponsor to share with you today and you are going to love the giveaway they are so graciously offering! is a site dedicated to lomography photography and houses not only a magazine and a community of photographers, but a camera shop filled with the the coolest lomography cameras, accessories and film (including the Diana F+ that I proudly own!).

One Aisle to Aloha reader gets to win a La Sardina Mobius camera (plus a roll of 35mm film to get you started!) The La Sardina Mobius camera is not only completely awesome to look at (purple + yellow = hello!), but takes beautiful pictures with its wide angle lens and conveniently takes 35mm film.

I wish I could offer a free flight to Hawaii so we could go out and shoot with our cameras together, but we'll have to settle for sharing them via the web. ;)

Wanna win? Here's how to enter:: 

Make sure you're a follower of Aisle to Aloha via GFC (on the right sidebar!) and leave a comment below telling us about your favorite photograph! What makes it so special?

**Additional optional entries::**

1} Tweet about the giveway and leave a comment saying you did so. 

*edit* Make sure you mention @aisletoaloha and @lomography

 as well as include the following link to this post! 

2} Follow Lomography on twitter and leave a comment saying you do so. 

3} Sign up for the Lomography newsletter and leave a comment saying you do so. 

4} Become a fan of Lomography on Facebook and leave a comment saying you do so. 

(Each comment counts as an entry, so leave a separate comment each time!) 

Giveaway closes on Wednesday, December 7! I'll choose a winner via and announce on Thursday, December 8. 

Good luck! :) 


it's the little things: grasshopper tea & tree hugging

exposed! {and developed...}