Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

aloha style:: just use your imagination.

headband, button down, skinny jeans:: {forever 21}
cardigan:: {who knows, a million years old}
flower pin:: {craftee mcgee}
Saul flats:: {c/o Blowfish Shoes}

Ack, these photos bug me so much. I gave the camera to Chris on the wrong settings so everything is way blown out and overexposed. I did my best to salvage them, but they look funky to me. Oh well, I'm not the kind of blogger to not publish photos because they aren't perfect. Things get screwed up sometimes and I always do my best to be real with you guys. Just use your imagination-- my button down is a really pretty shade of lavender and my cardigan is a soft cream. Thank goodness for Picnik though. 

Which is opening a whole can of worms there. I'm assuming most/all of you have heard of Picnik shutting down in April. So sad. I seriously do all my photo editing for my blog and shop on there. I feel like I need to go through and edit every single one of the photos on my computer and hard drive before April. I'm considering saving up for Photoshop since I haven't come across any comparable photo editing programs. You might be needing to use your imagination a little more once Picnik closes and my photos go back to the dark ages later this spring. 

Ahem. Anyway. Today I'm finishing up some Valentine's paintings and putting those babies in the shop. I also plan on chowing down on some scrumptious homemade macnut pesto pasta for lunch and maybe even showering somewhere in there. 


fresh paint:: vintage inspired florals and cupid's arrows

so, you're coming to oahu?