Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

a few changes. (simplifying and growing!)

Helloooooo! Hope your week is off to a great start already! I just woke up a little bit ago and am relaxing in bed, munching on crackers and willing this nausea to leave me alone for the day.

Thought I would update you on a few things going on around here. I posted here about my word for 2012-- "grow". I've been thinking a lot about that and what it means to me, practically. Growing doesn't always mean adding more on, or getting bigger, but sometimes in order to grow, you have to prune away the unnecessary or the things that keep us from growing. Sometimes you just have to simplify to make room for new growth. 

In light of that, I've decided to do away with sponsor feature posts.  I love being able to support and give greater exposure to my fellow handmade artists and bloggers, but right now, I feel like the sponsor feature posts are taking away from what I really want to post about --  our life, our baby, my artwork, creative inspiration, etc. I will still be taking new sponsors each month, but the sponsorships will remain sidebar space only, for the most part. For the time being, I've dropped the prices a bit, but since I haven't raised them at all since I started offering sponsorships (and I have 10x the traffic now), they might be going back up a bit in the future.

**edit--  I do have a few more sponsor features for my awesome January sponsors, but after that, they'll disappear... ;)**

I also will not be doing any more "call for sponsors" posts. These posts also take away from my posting time and I figure that the people who really want to sponsor can easily figure out my information. Plus, they're kind of awkward to post, so nixin' those babies. 

If you want some more info on sponsorships and the new changes, check out my sponsorship page here. 

Thanks for all your support and understanding. It's not always easy making the "pruning" kinds of decisions (actually, it's not easy for me to make any sort of decision!). 

I hope you are getting excited for the BIG changes coming this way very soon. Aisle to Aloha will be changing its name and look in the very close future and I have to tell you that I'm ecstatic. I'm having a blast working with the talented Oana Befort on the graphic changes. 

Here's a tiny sneak peek! Can't wait to share the new name with you and make the big change! 

Ok, now that business is out of the way-- watch for a post later today all about our favorite things to do and see on Oahu! 


so, you're coming to oahu?

it's the little things:: our own basil & happy artwork