Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 12 weeks!

Yesterday I might have had the most ridiculous pregnancy moment so far. Not only did I have a splitting headache all day, but all I could think about eating for dinner was a warm, fresh French bread loaf and some brie cheese. While Chris was at the commissary, I texted him a list of a few requested items, including that brie and bread. Apparently though, I sent it to my friend Michelle, who was not doing any sort of grocery shopping for me. Chris got home later and I went out to the car to meet him and he told me I hadn't texted him any sort of list. 

I burst into tears. And sobbed for a good 20 minutes. 

The ugly cry, friends. Over cheese. 

My poor husband. 

At one point he was concerned as I was sobbing and asked if I was okay, as I seemed to be in extreme pain. I just sobbed to him "No, I'm just dumb and pregnant!!" 

And so, the pregnancy hormones have definitely kicked in. And that is why my eyes may look a bit puffy in the photo above. I had just dried my tears 5 minutes before. 

Another "milestone" I've hit (besides the pregnancy meltdown) is that I've been wearing my Bella Band (and Be Band, from Target) every day. This thing is awesome. I can use it to hold up shorts and pants that won't even zip anymore and it's incredibly comfy. 

Despite some ups and downs this week, mostly I'm just joyful that we made it to 12 weeks and are this close to finishing up the first trimester! We already love this baby so much and can't wait to meet him or her.


win your choice of blowfish shoes!

fresh paint:: vintage inspired florals and cupid's arrows